Amended Statement of Claim

Review the lawsuit against the government and the CBC for misinformation and negligence about COVID-19 vaccines. This lawsuit seeks to hold the government and media organizations to account on public health issues and will hopefully lead to more responsible governance as well as more accurate news coverage in the future.

Vaccine Injury Case

The Institute for Freedom and Justice are supporting and raising funds for a new lawsuit filed by Plaintiff, Carrie Sakamoto, a mother of three, who suffered significant physical and psychological harms, including permanent Bell’s Palsy, because she thought she was doing “the right thing” by following the advice and information from the government about the COVID-19 vaccines.

The lawsuit, filed in the Court of King’s Bench in Lethbridge, Alberta, against the federal Minister of Health, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Dr. Celia Lourenco, Alberta Health Services, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (the “Defendants”) claims that the Defendants were negligent, provided information they knew to be false and incomplete, and that they censored and suppressed truthful and reliable information about vaccine injuries which caused harm to Ms. Sakamoto. The lawsuit goes on to allege misfeasance in public office by health officials in various governmental agencies.

Ms. Sakamoto was not alone. Millions of Canadians relied on the representations of the Defendants at a time when they were particularly vulnerable. We now know that many Canadians suffered physical and psychological injuries due to the misinformation and negligence of the Defendants. This lawsuit seeks justice for one Canadian who has suffered significant harms and, if successful, it might provide guidance for others to follow.

The lawsuit seeks compensation for Ms. Sakamoto. It will also show the importance of holding government to account on public health issues and will hopefully lead to more responsible governance in the future.

Media Release

47-year-old Vaccine Injured Mother files $10.5 Million Lawsuit against the Government and the CBC for Misinformation and Negligence about COVID-19 Vaccines Empowered Canadians and The Institute for Freedom and Justice are supporting and raising funds for a new lawsuit filed by Plaintiff, Carrie Sakamoto, a mother of three, who suffered significant physical and psychological harms, including permanent Bell’s Palsy, because she thought she was doing “the right thing” by following the advice and information from the government and the CBC about the COVID-19 vaccines.


News Coverage

Vaccine Injury Litigation – Media Release and Statement of Claim

Woman files $10.5 Million Lawsuit Against Gov’t & CBC for Misinformation & Negligence COVID Vaccines

Lawsuit filed against AHS, federal government and CBC

Demonstrably Unjustified (A Series) With This Episodes Guests, Eva Chipiuk and Carrie Sakamoto

Vaccine-Injured Mother Files $10.5 Million Lawsuit Against Canadian Government & CBC

Breaking News: Vaccine Injured Mother files $10.5 Million Lawsuit

Woman Files $10.5 Million Lawsuit Against Federal Government and CBC for Vaccine Harms

CBC sued for $10.5 million for allegedly promoting vaccine disinformation

Alberta woman files $10.5 mil lawsuit against government, CBC over vaccine misinformation

Woman Files $10.5 Million Lawsuit Against Federal Government and CBC for Vaccine Harms


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